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Nikki Trott

Nikki Trott

Nikki is a Strategic Advisor, Investor and Podcaster. She runs her own three companies.

  • Location: Amsterdam (born in London) 

  • Title: Strategic Advisor & Investor Company names: Conscious Accelerator, Barefoot Ventures, Going Conscious Podcast 

  • Sector: Impact Brand & Business Strategy, Advisory & Investment 

  • University degree: BA (Hons) Fashion Management, London College of Fashion

How does your usual day look like?

Every day is different, which is how I love it to be. But here is an example. My young daughter wakes me up at around 6.30am and I try to tell her three things I’m grateful for that morning before anything else. I read her books in bed before we get up to play in her tipi or go straight down to her breakfast and my huge jar of herbal tea. We often have a little morning rave in the kitchen, with my husband and I dancing and our daughter racing around us. Once she’s ready and I’ve taken her on the 3 minute walk to nursery, I go to my office in my house. Before opening my laptop, I light some palo santo and pull an oracle card, usually asking “what do I need to know today?”. I’m currently using the Seasons of the Witch series because I’m working on connecting more deeply with the seasons in my daily life, and they help as they follow the seasons too.

I try to block my days - some for working on the fund and having sessions with strategy or advisory clients, and others for mostly writing my book and recording podcast episodes (online). Around 11am, when I first feel hungry, I make myself a huge smoothie. Later in the day, when I feel I need a boost, or have a suitable gap between calls, I take a one hour walk around the national park I live next to, and try to be present rather than on the phone.

Sometimes I go to the gym in the morning too, but it’s a bit sporadic. I eat again when I feel hungry, usually in the late afternoon, or depending on if I smell delicious odours wafting up from the kitchen when my husband is creating something! My husband and I both travel for work quite a lot and are flexible, supporting each other with taking care of our daughter or dropping her off and picking her up. One of us will collect her anywhere between 4 - 6pm, depending on the day, but we try not to be later than 5pm. Then we often have precious family time and cook and eat together. Around 7pm the bedtime routine starts. I might take a bath with my daughter, or if my husband is putting her to bed that day, I sometimes return to my desk to write my book. I had been disciplined about not working in the evenings for a long time, but, I am so productive with writing in the evening. My natural rhythm is to write late and start later, but I only do that when my daughter is staying at the grandparents. I aim to turn off all devices by 9pm and leave my phone off on my desk. Then I catch up with my husband and read in bed before sleeping around 10 or 10.30pm.

What are the things you like the most about your job?

Freedom! It’s important to me that I can decide when and where I work, and what projects I want to do. I also love that I can work aligned with my values and share my views, organically building my global network of like-spirited impact pioneers. Working with incredible people is very important to me and brings me so much joy and inspiration. I genuinely am so passionate about what every one of my clients is doing, that being able to support them is deeply fulfilling. I also like that I have a mix of roles which use different parts of me, helping me grow and grow.

What are some of the skills you utilise the most in your day-to-day at work?

  • Planning and organising, so I’m able to balance different roles and businesses at once.

  • Writing, which is so fundamental to strategies and how I help brands, but I didn’t realise quite how much I enjoy it until I started writing my book.

  • Strategic clarity, where I bring lots of opinions, stakeholders and information together to make a clear path and positioning - I get such a kick out of that process!

  • But most of all, connecting. With people, collaborating, and even helping people connect more deeply with themselves.

What was one of your happiest day in your career and why?

Recently, when I got my book deal from a London publisher I admire and respect. Partly because of the accomplishment and what it means for my book, but even more because I followed the signs and synchronicities that came to me to get to that point.

That’s a whole other story, but I never would have thought I’d write a book. I felt like I was following a call to do so, and along with hard work, everything fell into place.

This gave me an immense sense of trust in the unfolding of things, of listening to what you’re being called towards, and going in that direction. Then rewards come. I find that magical.

What was the toughest career decision you ever made?

When I left my secure job as a Director in the fashion industry for an agency in London and New York.

I was living what I thought was my dream life, the success I wanted. But, it dawned upon me that there was much more out there if I would take a leap of faith. That I was living aligned with what I was told success looked like, but the day to day work did not feel aligned with my true, deeply held values. I thought, there must be more to my life than putting my skills and gifts to helping businesses sell more clothes that harm the planet and that people don’t need?

What is something you had to learn to become better at your work?

To be patient.

Rushing is my biggest weakness, which I have been actively working on for some time. Not rushing a piece of work, but rushing on the bigger picture. Seeing where I’m heading to and wanting to jump ahead, and keep moving so fast, even though I need to really just sink into the process because I need the learnings along the way to get to where I’m going in the strongest form.

How did you get to become a Strategist, Advisor, Investor, AND Podcaster?

By asking “what’s the worst that could happen?”

and realising it wasn’t that bad. I could always get another job if I needed to. But I couldn’t live with not knowing what working entrepreneurially and independently would bring, and most importantly, what allowing myself to really follow my values could unlock in myself, opportunities and others.

The rest is history! It’s been 7 years now.

What makes you gracefullyBOLD?

The bold part always came more naturally, I think. Not being scared to be myself, making an effort to speak my truth even when it’s difficult, for example standing up for a woman who has been spoken over in a meeting. Trusting my lane is the right lane for me and passionately going down it. The graceful part came more and more as I worked on embracing my feminine side more and more, and undoing a lot of patriarchal conditioning I had absorbed - and been rewarded for - in my career so far. Becoming a mother to an incredible young girl who teaches me every day is a gift of grace too.

If you could give a younger woman one piece of advice (it can be anything) - what would you say to them?

Listen to your body.

Make every single decision with your body, in your personal life and professional life. We have all had a situation where we don’t follow our intuition or gut instinct, and instead follow our mind. And we’ve all lived to regret it, realising that what we knew all along deep down was indeed true. There is a place for the mind in decision making, but I have found that it always needs to be secondary to listening to what your body (or intuition) has to tell you. It always knows, and it never lies! The answers are inside you, not outside of you. Trusting yourself is an act of empowering self-love.

Professional networking for women matters, because….

We have been pitched against each other by the patriarchal system, subconsciously conditioned to push each other out the way with a scarcity mindset that there is only room for a few of us to succeed in a man’s world.

It’s up to us to change this. To rise together and really relish in the success of other women. Not to judge or compare, just to celebrate. The more we help each other, rise together, celebrate each other, and create platforms for each other’s voices (like this one, so thank you), the better it will be for women and therefore humanity as a whole.

This is critical to restoring balance in our systems and societies.

How do you spend your weekend or downtimes?

Lots of time outside, connecting with the ecosystems and life we are intrinsically connected to. Painting with my daughter. Visiting art exhibitions and supporting friends in their art openings and events. Going to the organic market to get our weekly supplies as a family, where we usually see good friends. And sometimes taking time just for me and my husband to go to Berlin where we both used to live and where we met, to have quality time with our friends and dance.

How do you deal with stress and build resilience?

Building resilience is a long game.

I think it starts with taking care of our bodies. I eat a plant-based diet which is as organic as possible, and move my body every day. I give gratitude every morning and evening, which is a way of deepening our love of our life as it is today. During a stressful situation, I take deep breaths and time to reflect from another perspective. The best for me is a walk in the great wild green spaces around. Then, I ask myself, how would I deal with this situation with love not from fear?

What would have been your alternative career path or University degree?

People often tell me I would be a relationship therapist, because I love giving advice around relationships to my friends, all the time! Perhaps a singer or musician, as I did a lot of music and performance in my youth and still do sing today. Or a healer, leaning into the shamanic capabilities that have emerged and helping people that way.

What are you currently learning or what’s one of the last things you learnt?

I’m learning a lot about regenerative agriculture, and how it is at the nexus of human and planetary health. We are what we eat, and we are mostly eating rubbish food. There are huge mental, physical and environmental consequences which we need to address. Sick people create a sick planet. A sick planet leads to sick people.

Who is a (female) professional that inspired you along your career journey?

I work with a very holistic psychotherapist who is awesome. She helps me to fine tune my inner world, energetic world, and perspectives to make sure I have support and keep growing in my highest direction. She impacts all areas of my life. What I love about her is that she has such a holistic approach and deep intuitive understanding. Quite a few of my friends and business partners have started working with her too now! She’s called Magui Block, you can look her up and book online.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

I am not afraid. I’m doing it!

The previous interviewee left a question for you...

  • Question: What's your mantra?

  • Answer: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Apparently, this was not actually said by Ghandi, although it is often attributed to him. It’s the guiding mantra of my life and work. It’s so easy to feel helpless in this time of climate and social catastrophe, but this mantra makes me feel empowered to do the work I know I need to do. The small piece of the whole which is my responsibility. It is important. All of our work is important and it is interconnected in ways beyond our wildest imagination.

What's a question we didn't ask you?

  • Question: What is your purpose statement?

  • Answer: To empower business leaders to transform internally and strategically so they can use business for the wellbeing and abundance of all life on earth.

One word answers & quick fire round. Let's go!

  • Favourite restaurant (state name and city): Mother's Daughters, Lisbon

  • Favourite fashion brand: MARTAN, Amsterdam

  • Favourite beauty product: Aleppo soap, for everything

  • Favourite perfume: I dislike fragrance

  • Book recommendation (state title and author): “The Surrender Experiment" by M. Singer and "Sacred Business" by Nikki Trott in 2025 ;-)

  • Next holiday destination: Conscious Leader’s Retreat (Ibiza)

  • Your hobby: Ceramics, Singing, Painting, Gardening

  • What’s your mantra? "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

  • Who inspires you: My late mother and grandmother and my daughter, Lolotte

  • Tea or Coffee: No caffeine, only herbal

  • Red wine or White wine: No alcohol, this was a huge game-changer for me in my journey and opened up so much (kombucha)

  • Morning bird or Night owl: Recovering night owl whilst my daughter is young

  • Cat person or Dog person: Wild animals not kept by humans

Thank you Nikki for sharing your journey & wisdom with us!


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